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Legal notice

Name of company
Male Waxing Derby

Registered office
8-9 The Strand Arcade
Derby DE1 1BQ


Contact details
Tel: 07792 340208 07792 340208
E-mail: info@malewaxingderby.co.uk


Business ID no 08788210


Website Use
This site is owned and operated by David Sebastian Ltd and is made available based on the terms and conditions listed on this legal page. By using the website you accept these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should not use this site. David Sebastian Ltd may at any time make alterations to or withdraw this website or any part of it.


Unless otherwise indicated, David Sebastian Ltd is the owner of the copyright and all other intellectual property rights within this website.

This website may not be reproduced or adapted in whole or in part without the prior consent of David Sebastian Ltd, except for the purpose of accessing our services. You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on this website for any purpose.


David Sebastian Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy. This site allows you to send us information for the purpose of contacting us with regard to our services. By submitting your details to us you elect to receive communications from us.

Our web server automatically collects and stores information about your visit to www.davidsebastiansalons.co.uk for statistical purposes. This includes your IP address, service provider, browser type, domain names of referring websites, operating system, pages accessed on our website, and the date and time of your access. This information does not identify you personally. This site does not use cookies.


Links to other websites
This website may contain links to other websites we think you may wish to visit. This does not imply that we endorse or approve the contents of any linked site. We cannot accept any liability in respect of the use of these websites.


We have attempted to make the pages on this website accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with the UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995. If you are not able to access any part of this website please contact us with details




Want to make an appointment or ask a question?


David Sebastian

8-9 The Strand Arcade



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© David Sebastian Salons


